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Middle elevation forest (500-1500 m)

This forest typically consists of evergreen or semideciduos (some trees can lose their leaves during the wet season) trees, depending on the amount of rain. Tree height varies between 25 and 40 meters; the understory is very dense, and in the rain forest ground is covered by mosses and ferns.

Life zones: Premontane Moist Forest, Premontane Wet Forest, Premontane Rain Forest.

Where are the middle elevation forests found?

Middle elevation forests are found in the foothills region.  Specifically, the Premontane Moist Forest is  found only in the Central Valley, therefore it is the less common.  The Premontane Rainforest is found along the lower slopes of the mounatain where there is a long dry sason.  Premontane Rainforest is widley spread in Costa Rica on all mountain slopes, except on the Pacific slopes of the Cordillera de Tilaran and the southern facing slopes of the Cordillera Central.

Protected areas most representative of tropical forest of the middle elevations:

Popular Locations of Middle Elevation Forests:

Rincón de la Vieja NP, Monteverde PZ, Volcán Arenal NP, Juan Castro Blanco NP, Braulio Carrillo NP, Volcán Turrialba NP, Volcán Poás NP, Volcán Irazú NP, Corcovado NP.

Source: Savage J. The Amphibians and Reptiles of Costa Rica. Janzen, D. 1991. Costa Rican Natural History. Cornell University Press.

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