Forest of the lowlands (0-500 m)
Lowland rain-forests have a short dry season. They experience some of the highest rainfall in the country (up to 8 m). These are semideciduos or evergreen forests where the trees can reach 50 meters tall, and palms and ferns are abundant in the understory. These forests are the most abundant in Costa Rica.
Life Zones
Tropical Moist Forests and Tropical Wet Forest.
Where can you find this kind of forest?
Atlantic slope: Limón Province (Pto. Limón, Sixaola, La Estrella), Heredia (Sarapiquí), and Alajuela (Northern lowlands).
Pacific slope: Guanacaste Province (Nicoya Gulf), Puntarenas Province (Tárcoles and Térraba valleys, Peninsula de Osa)
Protected areas most representative of tropical forest of the lowlands:
Caño Negro NP, Tortuguero NP, Barra del Colorado WR, Braulio Carrillo NP, Barbilla NP, Hitoy Cerere BR, part of the La Amistad International Park
What's hot in this type of forest?
Extreme diversity of plants.
This is the richest habitat for amphibians and reptiles.
Habitat of the Great Green Macaw and the Scarlet Macaw, the toucans, and a great diversity of aquatic birds.
Source: Savage Reptiles and Amphibians of Costa Rica, Janzen Costa Rican Natural History.