Dry Forest
Dry Forests have less than 2 meters of rainfall per year. The plants have adapted to the six-month dry season as most of the trees lose their leaves and produce flowers and fruits during the dry season.
Where can you find the dry forest? Guanacaste Province, Tempisque Area, Santa Ana and Ciudad Colón (Central Valley)
Protected Dry Forests: Santa Rosa National Park, Palo Verde National Park, Guanacaste National Park, Lomas de Barbudal Biological Reserve, Barra Honda National Park, Curú Wildlife Refuge, El Rodeo Protected Zone (Central Valley).
What's hot?:
- Mammals can be easily seen (especially during the dry season, Dec-May).
- Coatis, Racoons, deers, Anteaters, Monkeys,.....and maybe some felines...
- Mass flowering of trees
Dry forest plants: Guanacaste (national tree, Enterolobium cyclocarpum) pic
Ron-ron (Astronium graveolens), mahogany (Swetenia sp.), lignum-vitae (Guaiacum sanctum), bull-horn acacia (Acacia sp.), rain tree (Samanea saman), lancewood (Calycophyllum candidissimum), Siempreviva (Bonellia nervosa=Jaquinia nervosa).