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Investment & Business

This investment-friendly climate and government policy of making Costa Rica "the Silicon Valley of Latin America" or has deemed it "the Switzerland of Central America."

Costa Rica's bilingual, skilled, well educated, and friendly population has enticed many large foreign and commercial companies & leaders such as Acer, Microsoft, GE, Abbot Laboratories, Baxter Healthcare, Proctor & Gamble, Dole Fruit, Chiquita, McDonalds, KFC, Tacobell, Hewlett Packard, Hanes Underware, Scott paper, Pricemart, Payless Shoes, Continental Airways and Intel Corporation to make sizable investments here, both financially and physically, with major production and distribution facilities.

Western Union has chosen Costa Rica to host its Latin American regional operations center. In 1998, for the first time ever, Costa Rica was poised to earn more from high technology exports than from coffee or bananas or even its lucrative, thriving tourism industry. The World Bank has given Costa Rica an excellent bill of overall political and economic health.

Starting a Business in Costa Rica

  1. Tax Incentives
  2. Costa Rican Corporations

Doing Business in Costa Rica

  1. Business Culture Shock
  2. Doing Business in Costa Rica
  3. Business Resources

Investing in Costa Rica

  1. Investment Climate
  2. Investment Resources
  3. Project & Risk Management
  4. Banking Services
  5. Professional Services

Foreign investors remain attracted by the country's political stability and relatively high education levels, as well as the fiscal incentives offered in the free-trade zones. Costa Rica has attracted one of the highest levels of foreign direct investment per capita in Latin America.

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