El Teatro Nacional
El Teatro Nacional, or the National Theater of Costa Rica is located in the central section of the capital city and was opened to the public on October 31 of 1897. It is a must see for anyone visiting San Jose, as it is known for its exquisite interior design with lavish furnishings and art performances.
The Costa Rican National Theater located in the heart of San Jose is considered one of the finest and most treasured historical buildings in the country. Costa Rica 's most important Theater offering concerts, operas, plays and symphonies.
The construction of the National Theater began in 1891. The theater is a good representation of long standing economical stability of the nation. It was erected in a period of time when coffee exports were in their prime of success.
Currently, the use of the Theater is limited to high quality performances. The theater is undergoing a very selective process prior to admission for performing. However, most recently the Minister of Culture has teamed up with the Director of the theater to allow other talented nationals to preform. They most recently obtained a new grand piano which they are very proud of.
Most recently, the director of the Theater has wanted to make shows and cultural events more accessible to everyone so she started a program in which everyday from 12 noon to 1pm there was a show that people working in San Jose could attend while on their lunch breaks. This program has proven to be a huge success.